1 may 2012

Ken Robinson : Education and Creativity


Sir Ken starts his speech pointing out three important themes:

-The extraordinary evidence of human creativity.
-Future is unpredictable for our children.
-The extraordinary capacity that children have through creativity.


- We get people out of creativity:
We are tought that with creativity we won´t achieve a job.The national education systems stigmatize mistakes, but  if we are not prepared to be wrong, we´ll never come up with anything original. Consequence: we are educating people out their creative capacity.

- Academic inflation:
Every education system on earth has the same hierachy of subjects, in which all came into being the needs of industrialism and in which  math and language are more important than  literacy and arts . In the next 30 years more people worlwide will be graduating through this education system conducting to a degradation of the titles.

-The importance of inteligence:
 Inteligence is  diverse , dinamic and distinct.


It is necessary to create a new conception of human ecology and to rethink the fundamental principles on which we´re educating our children.

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